The mystical texts and the catare suggestions: the writer in Milan for the new edition of his novel reveals what lies between the figures of the famous painting
An exceptional guide, unique in its kind. Perhaps because there are few scholars in the world who, like him, have investigated the Last Supper by Leonardo da Vinci in search of secret, mystical or magical symbols, scattered throughout the majestic painting. From this work, through a three-year research work, Javier Serra has created a historical thriller, “The Secret Supper”, appeared for the first time in 2004, translated all over the world. On the occasion of the 500th anniversary of Leonardo’s death, Goddess Planeta republished the novel in Italy, in an editorial capacity enriched with interesting illustrations. And Friday evening Sierra returned to the convent of Santa Maria delle Grazie, where he had long studied preparing his book, showing a small group of selected visitors his particular vision of the Leonardo painting: «Leonardo loved the game, and of course it will be amused to disseminate his work with hidden messages, “explains Sierra. We thus discover that the bearded character who hides a knife behind his back is certainly Pietro, as is known, but it could also be Judas, a character with whom he is confused, in a sort of threatening message sent to the Vatican, in those years of end ‘ 400 led by Pope Borgia, arch-enemy of Ludovico il Moro, Leonardo’s protector. Or that Judas Thaddeus, the penultimate on the left, actually conceals the figure of the artist himself: “I immediately noticed the incredible similarities between the apostle and Leonardo’s self-portrait – explains Sierra -. I also compared the two images with the software used by the police to compare the identikits of suspects. The similarity index was even 86.8% »