Twelve sheets chosen from the Codex Atlanticus, written between 1470 and the death of Leonardo da Vinci in 1519, covering various topics including a critique of Botticelli’s perspective, belong to the exhibition “Leonardo da Vinci and Florence”. The exhibition, staged in the Lilies’ Room of the Palazzo Vecchio, will be open to the public from March 29 to June 24. Edited by Cristina Acidini, the exhibition intends to find in the sheets of the codex kept in the Biblioteca Ambrosiana, the many references to Florence and to illustrate the various aspects of the life of the genius from Vinci: his family and friends’ relationships with the Florentine facts, the Palazzo della Signoria, the Medici, Santa Maria Nuova, the Arno river and the territory’s hydrography, his studies on flight and geometry. Also displayed, in fact, are the papers with the famous sentence, addressed to his shop mate Botticelli and criticizing his perspective: “Sandro, you don’t say why such second things seem to be lower than the thirds”.
Leonardo and Florence, 12 sheets from the Codex Atlanticus on display at the Palazzo Vecchio