Milan Food City, the great return of 100 Italian chefs famous abroad for a Renaissance menu

One hundred Italian chefs working in the world most fashionable restaurants will converge on Milan. Fabio Trabocchi, Michelin star in Washington, Francesco Gasbarro, another star in Geneva, Donato De Santis — VIP in Argentina, where his a Masterchef judge and used to lead the TV show Villa della Pasta — and again Marino D’Antonio, famous in Beijing and Shanghai, among the very few to have published Italian recipes directly in Chinese.

That’s kind of the heart of the Milan Food City event, starting on Friday 3 and lasting until May 9: some of the chefs, coming from 40 Countries, will perform on Tuesday at the headquarters of Confcommercio, in Palazzo Bovara. They’ll cook the menu imagined by Leonardo da Vinci for Ludovico the Moor. At his time the Renaissance genius, who was also a chef, couldn’t carry out the dishes because they were too futuristic. Today’s chefs will take care of it, while honoring his 500th anniversary — always on Tuesday, moreover, the vegetarian Leonardo’s chickpea soup will be cooked in hundreds of restaurants around the world.

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