Milan, the beautiful «pergola» of Leonardo: the Planks’ Hall in Sforza’s Castle reopens

Here we go at last. From today on, Milan too starts the full-fledged celebrations for the fifth centenary of the death of Leonardo. The Sforza’s Castle reopens in fact the Sala delle Asse and the public around the world will be able to admire the results of six years of restoration which have brought to light the preparatory drawings traced on the walls, so far hidden under thirteen layers of plaster.

“This is an absolutely exceptional event. After one hundred and twenty years since the first intervention of recovery of the Hall, the latter restoration has given us the amazing discoveries that have excited all the experts visiting the site in these years. We remain cautious about the attribution to Leonardo; the debate is now open, but of course the thrill of facing the master’s hand is strong”. Arrived at the great day of the opening of the Hall, the superintendent of the Castle Claudio Salsi does not hide his emotion.

And as Francesca Tasso, curator who has followed the restoration site, reiterates, it is surely here, in the Visconti’s and Sforza’s fortress, that we must look for the real news of the celebrations dedicated to Leonardo. Here is the “Leonardo never seen”, like the title of the program of initiatives carried out at the Castle, starting from the exhibition path divided in three stages. First of all, the Sala delle Asse with its restoration’s discoveries and its interpretation, through a multimedia installation; the Sala dei Ducali, with drawings linked to natural themes by Leonardo and by his contemporaries; and the hall of Arms where another multimedia video leads us on a journey in Milan between 1482 and 1512.

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2 thoughts on “Milan, the beautiful «pergola» of Leonardo: the Planks’ Hall in Sforza’s Castle reopens

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